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Weekly Bulletin

Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost       Nov 26, 2017

Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to fill out a communion card found in the pew racks and place it in the offering plates.


By the Cross of Christ, We Enter the Kingdom of Our God and Father

When the crucified and risen Lord Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead, “he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats” (Matt. 25:32). “To those on his right,” who have been crucified and raised with Him through repentance and faith in His Gospel, He will grant the blessed kingdom of His Father (Matt. 25:34). Having been justified by His grace, they live unto righteousness in Him (Matt. 25:35–40). But “those on his left,” who trust in themselves and despise their neighbor, will depart “into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41). Until that day, the Lord searches for His sheep “as a shepherd seeks out his flock” (Ezek. 34:11–12). Through His preaching of repentance, He disciplines the proud sheep and goats, “the fat and the strong,” but through the preaching of forgiveness He rescues the lost, binds up the injured, strengthens the weak and feeds “the lean sheep” (Ezek. 34:16, 20). In this way, He destroys the power of death in the children of Adam by His cross, so that “in Christ shall all be made alive” by His resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20–26).


Collect of the Day

Eternal God, merciful Father, You have appointed Your Son as judge of the living and the dead.  Enable us to wait for the day of His return with our eyes fixed on the kingdom prepared for Your own from the foundation of the world; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


ORDER OF SERVICE:   Diving Service  Setting One  page 151.

              The Introit is sung responsively by half-verse and is found on the insert.(P29)

            There is no Communion this morning.  The Service concludes on page 162


​READINGS:    Ezekiel 34: 11 – 16, 20 - 24                   1 Corinthians 15: 20 – 28          Matthew 25: 31 - 46


HYMNS:   902,  532,  785(offering),  525


Presiding Minister (P):  Rev. Jack Hetzel                                          Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane

Organist/Pianist: Paula                                                                      Acolyte: Christine

Sound System: Anna/Philip                                                              Webmaster:  Michael

Secretary: Iulia (Tues am), Debby (Thurs pm)                                Parish Nurse: Jane 


Bible Class and Sunday School

Sunday 9:30am


Holy Communion:

Since the Lord’s Supper gives the forgiveness of sins in the body and blood of Christ to all who believe the words “given and shed” and is also a celebration of oneness in faith, we ask that only those who have professed such faith publicly in a Lutheran Church-Canada (or Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) congregation come to the Lord’s Altar.  Everyone intending to commune for the first time is kindly asked to speak with the Pastor prior to the service.


PRAYER INTERCESSIONS: Paula; Annette; Debbie & Stephanie; Jumna; Christine; Fran & Irwin; Dennis; June;  Olga; Monika; Edith; Asser;  Gheorghe; Sharon; Brenda; Autumn; Susan; Mary; Sherran & Larry; Heather; Herta; Gene & Margaret; Albina; Betty; Lucie; Andre & Micheline; Jeanine; George & Waldtraut; George & Jeannie; Rev. Delmar & Mardelle; Claudette; Isabelle; Denise; Kathy & Jack; Jim; Ada; Connor; Lisa and Pastor


​​PASTOR AWAY:  for the next three weeks on holidays.  If there is an emergency, please contact one of the elders/deacons.


Thank you to our guest Pastor today Rev Neville Mirtschin we are blessed to have you both with us today. Thank you to our guest Pastor today Rev Neville Mirtschin we are blessed to have you both with us today.


PRAYER CHAIN:  Paula, our Evangelism Team Leader, has restarted the prayer chain for anyone who is in need of help.  Once a request is either brought to her and/or from Pastor, she will call the prayer chain members, who will only have knowledge of a person in need of support and prayers. All will be confidential, unless otherwise instructed by you. Please call, we’re here for you. Paula.


SAINT VINCENT’S KITCHEN: if anyone would like to help with our team it's the 4th Saturday of every month.  You can Contact Charlie and Christine at 905-263-8497 or St. Vincent’s kitchen at 905-434-7543; ask for Valerie. People can come in the morning for prep, or in the afternoon for serving, busing or drying dishes.  Or to help close.  Morning times 9-12 Afternoon 2-5 Evening 5-7.


WWW.LUTHERANHOUR.CA. CHAM 820/AM SUN. 8:00 November 26, 2017 “Show Me”    (Matthew 25:31-46) Speaker of the Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus; In Lerner and Loewe’s musical, My Fair Lady, Eliza is being wooed with words by weak and wimpy suitor.  She comments: “Don’t talk of stars, burning above if you’re in love, show me.  Tell me not dreams, filled with desire if you’re on fire, show me.” In Jesus’ description of Judgment Day, the Savior goes on record: true love needs to show itself in action. 


LADIES OF GRACE:  Ladies of Grace are inviting all the ladies in the congregation to their Christmas Social to be held in the church basement on November 27th, 2017 starting at 5:30 with a meet and greet followed by a Pot Luck Supper at 6:00 p.m. with entertainment following the meal. Ladies are asked to please sign their name to the sheet in the Narthex and also please indicate which item you will bring for the supper.  This information is required so that we can ensure that we have seating for all who will be attending.


Dates for quilting: Our last day till January/2018, November 28; everyone welcome, no experience necessary.


LWML wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to Mites last Sunday.  Donation received, which did not require a tax receipt, Amounted to $260.55.  This money will be forwarded to the Ontario District LWML to support the mission projects which were selected at our 2016 Ontario District Convention. Diana, President, Ladies of Grace.


THANK YOU:  To everyone who contributed supplies and your time, to our mission project. Your support made it possible to ship 59 School Kits and 50 Baby Bundles. God bless you, Minnie


YOUR LIFELINE TO THE LUTHERAN WORLDVIEW... Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL.  You can listen to what you want when you want at and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.


DENISE HOUSE AND CORNERSTONE DONATIONS:  We are going to take children’s and women’s gently used clothing to Denise house and men’s to Cornerstone. Also small household items. So if you are cleaning out your home and closets, think of donating to those in need.  Place in plastic bags and label them.  Put them under the brown cupboard in the narthex. Thanks Jane Ibbott


OFFERING COUNTERS: We are looking for volunteers to assist in counting weekly offerings on Sundays.  Currently counting is done by just a few members of the congregation.  It is a rather simple task carried out on a computer.  Please give this request consideration to lighten the load on our Financial Sec’y Wendy . Contact Wendy for training. If you do not know who she is; ask an usher to introduce you.


CHRISTMAS MOVIE IN THEATRES:  See poster on table in narthex for details. Children’s movie. Starts Nov. 17th. Playing at Whitby; Landmark cinemas.


SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our mission project for 2017, see bulletin insert. Blessings, Your Sunday school staff.


CANADIAN LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF:  CLWR gifts from the heart catalogue provides meaningful and tangible gifts that will share God’s love with the world.  No matter which gift you choose, the gifts you give will save and change lives.  See catalogues on table in atrium for your personal ordering.. Not processed through office.


ADVENT DINNER:  Will be held on Dec. 9th @ 5:30 pm @ church. Please sign up on the white board with you dish you are bring and help out with setup and clean up.  More hands to help gets everyone to leave together. Please fill out the set reservation form so we know how many to setup for.


SAINTS ALIVE: The Saints Alive luncheon is at the Mandarin restaurant on Tues. Dec. 5th @ 1130 am and costs $16.99. People need to call Carolyn to let her know how many are going as she needs to book it ahead of time. I will be away.


BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON: The birthday luncheon is TODAY. All are welcome!!!


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:  There is a holder outside the office door for weekly inserts for the bulletin and monthly calendar.  Items for the Bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week by noon and 3rd Sunday of each month for calendar.  Or email your dates and events to


FOOD BANK:  Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food items for the food bank AND ALSO on the birthday lunches. Next birthday lunch will be last week of November.  See Jane if you want to be on the call list for food donations.


REFERENCE MATERIALS:  Please take a few moments over the next few Sundays to review our Church business and community bulletin board; and other resource materials on the tables/shelve and racks in the narthex.  Please take some home or give to a friend. 


This Week under Grace

Today (g)                  9:30am                                Bible Class/Sunday School

                                10:30am                               Divine Service

                                                                              Congregational Luncheon

Monday                  5:30 pm                               Ladies of Grace Christmas Social

Tuesday                  9:00 am                               Quilting

Wednesday             ****                                    NO MATINS while Pastor is away.

Sunday (g)              9:30am                                Bible Class/Sunday School

                                10:30am                              Divine Service

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