Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Weekly Bulletin
Second Sunday in Lent Mar 17, 2019
Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to fill out a communion card found in the pew racks and place it in the offering plates.
Jesus Rescues Us from Death and Brings Us into Heaven
The prophet Jeremiah faithfully preached “all that the LORD had commanded him to speak to all the people” (Jer. 26:8). He called the people to repentance, lest the Lord’s judgment come upon them. The violence that Jeremiah suffered for this preaching foreshadowed the cross and Passion of Christ Jesus, who suffered the judgment of God for the redemption of all people. For Jesus “comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 13:35) in order to lay down His life for the sins of the world. Earthly Jerusalem was blind to His gracious visitation, and it put Him to death like the prophets before Him. Yet, His sacrifice upon the cross became the cornerstone of the new Jerusalem, His Church. He visits us today in mercy with His preaching of forgiveness, to gather us to Himself within that holy city, “as a hen gathers her brood under her wings” (Luke 13:34), for “our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20).
Collect of the Day
O God, You see that of ourselves we have no strength. By Your mighty power defend us from all adversities that may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts that may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
ORDER OF SERVICE: Divine Service is on page 184.
The Introit is sung responsively by half-verse on the insert
​READINGS: : Jeremiah 26: 8–15 Philippians 3: 17 – 4:1 Luke 13: 31 - 35
HYMNS: 423, 708, 579 (offering), 624, 420, 454
Presiding Minister (P): Rev. Jack Hetzel Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane
Organist/Pianist: Kirsten Acolyte: Christine
Sound System: Anna/Philip Webmaster: Michael
Secretary: Lorna
Bible Class
Sunday 9:30am
Holy Communion:
Since the Lord’s Supper gives the forgiveness of sins in the body and blood of Christ to all who believe the words “given and shed” and is also a celebration of oneness in faith, we ask that only those who have professed such faith publicly in a Lutheran Church-Canada (or Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) congregation come to the Lord’s Altar. Everyone intending to commune for the first time is kindly asked to speak with the Pastor prior to the service.
Members of Grace: Gina & family upon the death of Savita; Delores; David Bebee (B Cell Lymphoma); Fran Van Vorst; June Drexler; Monika Stimming; Albina; Dennis; Jane; John; Debbie Vincent; Olga; Edith; Sherran; Herta; Betty; Anne; Hans; Bob; Alicia; Debby
Friends and Fellow members of the Church: Lilly; Rev Richard; Jeannie; Linda; Donna and Walter; Chris; Susan; Heather; George & Waldtraut; Mardelle; Asser; Gheorghe; Bob; Andre & Micheline; Ed & LoriAnne
Lenten Service: Every Wednedsay at 7:30pm. Come and take advantage of this extra service and be blessed!
SAVITA PERSAD: is the sister of Gina who died in Guyana and received a Christian burial on Wed. March 13. Gina and family were able to be present and we pray that God would grant them comfort in our Lord Jesus who rescued us from our sin and death and promised eternal life for all who believe in Him, as well as safe travel home for Gina and family.
ELDERS MEETING – Tuesday March 19th, 2019 at 7:30 pm.
****ST VINCENT’S KITCHEN: If anyone would like to help with our team that helps to feed the homeless and destitute, call Charlie or Christine Farnell at 905-263-8497. Your help would be appreciated on any shift every 4th Saturday of every month.
LUTHERAN HOUR: Hear this inspirational message on CHAM at _ 8:00 am – March 24 “Death Doesn’t End the Story” (John 11)-Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler; When you hear a person’s story, it’s hard not to like them. See what happens when you listen to the story of Jesus.
ALTAR CRUCIFIX: came from the altar of the old Albert Street church. It was in the library for a time but has been restored to the chancel as comfort for all and the content of all our preaching which is nothing other than Christ crucified. See how the body of our Lord on His cross changes everything!
EXPERT GUESTS, EXPANSIVE TOPICS, EXTOLLING CHRIST...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: The Book of Obadiah, Judging Others, First Century Martyr Polycarp, Jesus Calls Philip & Nathanael and more. You can listen live or on-demand at and on the LPR mobile app.
PRAYER CHAIN: for anyone who is in need of prayer. The prayer chain members will be called with your confidential request. Only the name will be made known to the prayer chain unless instructed otherwise. Please call Paula.
FINANCIAL HELP FOR LINDA: Due to a serious infection, Linda Lantz, wife of Rev. Kurt Lantz of Resurrection Lutheran Church, St. Catharines, required amputation of her leg below the knee. Linda is currently undergoing in-patient physiotherapy and eagerly looks forward to going home. However, the parsonage, owned by Resurrection, is not handicap accessible, thus requiring immediate renovations to allow for Linda's return. The pastors of the Niagara Circuit have pledged to help raise funds to assist Resurrection, who find these unanticipated renovations a great fiscal challenge. We invite our siblings in Christ across the District to prayerfully consider helping Resurrection and the Lantz family with donations to the Resurrection Parsonage Renovations. Donations can be mailed to Resurrection Lutheran Church, 400 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines, ON L2T 3L2. Any cheques should be made out to Resurrection Lutheran Church, indicating “Parsonage Renovations” in the memo line.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please prayfully consider volunteering your time in 2019 to a service at Grace. Jane needs a partner for birthday luncheons. There is opportunity to serve on Altar Guild, help with Spring cleaning, Gardening/grass cutting and other Special Events. Find a partner so you can trade off every other month or week. Please see Debby,Secretary, who will connect you with a contact.
SALT DAMAGE: Our cleaning lady has advised us that the salt we bring in with our boots is causing issues with the floors and church carpet. Please use the rugs in the front entrance to stamp off excess salt on your boots or outside on your way in. We cannot stop salting for safety reason. Thank you and blessings, Trustees.
ANNUAL RENEWAL: The Lutheran Witness – total Annual cost $37.54 per person; We get a monthy invoice and pay the group payment. If you would like to be on our group subscription you save $4.00. Please contact the office –, I will need your full name and mailing address,and email address or Phone #. You can put your Fee of $37.54 on your offering envelope and mark it Lutheran Witness. Deadline for renewal, new subscription or cancellation by March 15th, 2019. Blessings, Debby
LWML DONATIONS NEEDED: The ingathering for the Ontario District Convention will be to support Friendship House. This is a local organization which supports men during their time of need. Anyone wishing to help support this in gathering can contribute items that friendship house has indicated they can use and which have been indicated in our bulletin. All items collected will be taken to the convention in June, and presented to friendship House during the in gathering ceremony held at the convention. The boxes for contributions can be found in the entrance. Any support from the congregation for this in gathering would be greatly appreciated.
Blessings, Diane, President, Ladies of Grace
DURHAM CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE: They have moved to Oshawa on Simco; beside the Polish Club. 524 Simcoe St S, Oshawa, ON, L1H 4J8, 905-623-9955. At checkout let them know you are a member of Grace Lutheran Oshawa. I setup our account with them. Church items and for personal. Blessings. Debby Miller
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: There is a holder outside the office door for weekly inserts for the bulletin and monthly calendar. Items for the Bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week by noon and 3rd Sunday of each month for calendar. Or email your dates and events to
REFERENCE MATERIALS: Please take a few moments over the next few Sundays to review our Church business and community bulletin board; and other resource materials on the tables/shelve and racks in the narthex. Please take some home or give to a friend.
This Week under Grace
Today (v) 9:30am Bible Class and Sunday School
10:30am Divine Service
Tuesday 9:00 am Quilting
7:30pm Elders Meeting
Wednesday 7:30pm Lenten Service
Saturday **** St. Vincent Kitchen
3rd Sun Lent(v) 9:30am Bible Class and Sunday School
10:30am Divine Service