Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Weekly Bulletin
Circumcision and Name of Jesus January 1, 2017
Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to fill out a communion card found in the pew racks and place it in the offering plates.
The Lord Jesus Comes in the Flesh to Fulfill the Law for Us and Save Us from Our Sins
Circumcision is the covenant God made with Abraham and his seed. It sealed God’s promises and blessings in the flesh, but it also signified the burden of the Law. When the Lord Jesus came in the flesh to redeem His people, He subjected Himself to the Law in order to fulfill the Law and release all men from its captivity. “He was called Jesus” (Luke 2:21), because He came to save His people from their sins. He would shed His blood on their behalf, as He did already when “he was circumcised” (Luke 2:21). As He also sacrificed Himself upon the cross, you are “justified by faith” in His blood (Gal. 3:24). Therefore, “you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:29), not by the circumcision of your flesh, but in the flesh and blood of Christ Jesus, the true seed of Abraham. “Baptized into Christ,” you belong to Him and are clothed and covered by His righteousness (Gal. 3:27). Holy Baptism is the true circumcision made without hands, by which the Lord Jesus puts His name on you and blesses you (Num. 6:22, 27).
Collect of the Day
Lord God, You made Your beloved Son, our Savior, subject to the Law and caused Him to shed His blood on our behalf. Grant us the true circumcision of the Spirit that our hearts may be made pure from all sins; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
ORDER OF SERVICE: Setting Three page 184. The Introit on the insert is sung responsively by half verse.
Readings: Numbers 6: 22 – 27 Galatians 3: 23 – 29 Luke 2:21
HYMNS: 373, 900, 590(offering), 393, 588, 917
Choir: ‘Light One Candle’ and ‘ Come Thou long expected Jesus’
Presiding Minister (P): Rev. Jack Hetzel Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane
Organist/Pianist: Paula Acolyte: Christine
Sound System: Anna/Philip Webmaster: Michael
Secretary: Ann (Tue.) and Debby (Wed. 5-7 for January) Parish Nurse: Jane
Office closed Dec. 26-31.
PRAYER INTERCESSIONS: Marshall; Rev. Greg; Pres. Paul; Bill; Reta; Edith; David; Ryan; Kim; Asser ; Gheorghe; Sharon; Autumn; Susan; Mary; Hans & Sonya; Sherran & Larry; Heather; Konrad & Herta; Gene and Margaret; Albina; Rob & Debbie; Stephanie; Betty; Lucie; Claudette; Andre & Micheline; George & Waldtraut; Suzanne; Will; Keith, Brenda; Nirmala and Anuradha; Anjani; Fred; Baby Caleb, George; family of Dieter; Phyllis; Robert
​​NICARAGUA MISSION PROJECT: Thank you to all who have supported the mission with donations, help with crafts kits, and with your encouragement. Please continue with your prayers as we prepare for travel on January 6th.
MEALS ON WHEELS: is looking for volunteers to deliver the meals in Oshawa. To sign up or for more information call (905) 430-5614 extension 225 and ask for Diane.
LADIES OF GRACE-DONATIONS NEEDED FOR 2017: We continue to accept donations for layettes and school bags. Thanks!
THANK YOU: to the entire congregation for all the love and kindness that you have shown to me and my family. Thank you for praying for me and for the ministry of the word of God that upholds me and strengthens me. God bless you all and have a blessed New Year in Grace! Pastor Hetzel
GREETERS: A welcoming smile and a firm handshake is a warm invitation to our Grace family. Please sign up for either whole month or a few Sundays or if you notice no one is there at 10:15 am. Please step in an Greet! See sign up form on bulletin board and table in Narthex
ELDERS: Our meeting is scheduled for January 17th, 2017 @ 7:30 pm.
​​THE LUTHERAN HOUR BROADCASTS: Hear inspirational messages every Sunday on Hamilton CHAM 820/am at 8:00 AM. Streaming audio and pod-casts at:
​GRACE LUTHERAN LIBRARY - BOOK OF THE MONTH - HISTORY OF OUR GRACE CHURCH: Our library is going to feature a book of the month. Please take a few moments and look at the book of the month which is just newly released, “Be True and Serve”. It’s an autobiography of our parishioner Monika's mother. A fascinating story of Monika’s family during Germany’s Third Reich, and WWII. It’s also about starting a new life with her family and “Little Monika” in Oshawa. You can find it on top of the white book case in the narthex. Enjoy reading some history of how God’s grace has been working among us! Also, take some time to browse through our library for interesting Christian books.
HOLY LAND TOUR 2017 (Feb 26 – Mar 7, 2017) You are invited to join Rev. James Luke, Intercultural Minister & GTA Missionary in LCC, East District, on this special 10-day trip to the Holy Land. This is the third trip that Pastor Luke will be leading, an excellent opportunity to walk in Jesus’ steps. For more information contact Rev. James Luke at 905-451-2581. (flyer available at - select calendar/Feb 2017).
CHURCH FUNDRAISER: Sometimes we need a card to say thank you, hope you’re doing okay, congratulations, or even Merry Christmas. We will have a rack with cards for all occasions. Take a card and put a donation in the globe tin on the rack. All funds are for our debt reduction fund. If you have a stack of cards at home that you want to donate, place them on the rack in the right category. I will have the cards ready for Nov. 1st, 2016. Thank you to all who have already donated to get us started. Debby
90th ANNIVERSAY FOR GRACE L.C.: Our 90th Anniversary is fast approaching, and we would like some of your expertise in the matter, please let Gina know if you are interested in joining the organizing committee.
FURNACE REPLACEMENTS: We have had to replace two of our three furnaces due to heat exchanger failure. This has resulted in an unplanned expenditure in excess of $10,000.00. Church council is reviewing how to cover these costs and will report back to our church members in the near future.
BIRTHDAY LUNCH & FOOD BANK: Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food items for the food bank to the birthday lunches. Thanks See you on January 29th for the next Congregational Luncheon.
PRAYER CHAIN: Paula is our Evangelist Leader, she has restarted the prayer chain for anyone who is in need of help. She will be working with Pastor to start the prayer chain with other members of the congregation. Once a request is either brought to her and/or from Pastor, she will call the prayer chain members, who will only have knowledge of a person in need of support and prayers. All will be confidential, unless otherwise instructed by you. Please call, were here for you.
​​This Week under Grace
Today (w) 10:30am Divine Service (C)
Friday 7:30pm EPIPHANY SERVICE (C)
Sunday (w) 9:30am Bible Study
10:30am Divine Service(C)
OFFERING COUNTERS: We are looking for volunteers to assist in counting weekly offerings on Sundays. Currently counting is done by just a few members of the congregation. It is a rather simple task carried out on a computer. Please give this request consideration to lighten the load on our Financial Sec’y Wendy.
FOOD BANK: Please continue to make your food donations to help those in need in our church, community and our Seminary. Thank you
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: There is a folder in the holder outside the office door for weekly inserts for the bulletin and monthly calendar. Items for the Bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week; and 3rd Sunday of each month for calendar. Or email your dates and events to; Start thinking about 2016 dates for meetings and events. Enter on calendar in narthex. Thank you.