Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Weekly Bulletin
Sep 15, 2024 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. God bless you as we gather before our gracious God!
Christ Jesus Delivers Us from Sin, Death and the Devil
Those who teach the Word of God “will be judged with greater strictness” (James 3:1) because it is by the Word that saving faith is obtained, whereas false doctrine always threatens to destroy Christian faith and life. The tongue “boasts of great things,” whether for good or evil (James 3:5). In fallen man, “it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:8). But anyone who bridles his tongue with the Word of God, who “does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man” (James 3:2). It is Christ who opens His ear to the voice of His Father, so that, with “the tongue of those who are taught,” He is able to sustain the weary “with a word” (Is. 50:4–5). Entrusting Himself to His Father, even to death, He is not put to shame but is vindicated in His resurrection (Is. 50:6–9). By His faith and faithfulness, He casts out the “mute and deaf spirit” from us (Mark 9:25). He has compassion on us and helps us, so that we are not destroyed but cleansed from every evil and raised up from death to life (Mark 9:22–27).
​PRAY FOR: Carolyn; Willie; Minnie; Debbie; Diana; Julia; Ed; Eloise; Robert; Sherran; Herta; Phil; Minnie; Corinne; Albina.
Friends and Fellow Christians: Holly; Christy; Rev. Basil Christi (heart attack); Matthew & Megan; Lynda; Alice; Terry & Brenda; Norma; Kristy; Chris; Susan; Heather; Waldtraut; Kathy; Bev; Elizabeth; Mary (David’s mother), Carolyn (Medina,OH); Rose; Jason​
MISSION PRAYERS FOR SEPTEMBER: CANADA: Rev. David Milette -Good Shepherd Lutheran Church) in Moncton, New Brunswick. He also provides support for LCC's French Ministries CAMBODIA - Prayer: Rev. Van -assistant pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in Phnom Penh and with Lutheran Hour Ministries; Rev. Heng Kim Hai (Hi) - Hope Lutheran Church in Kampong & instructor for Garuna Christian school; Rev. Rochom Binh (Rock-om) - missionary pastor Jarai community in his village in Ratanakiri: Rev. Romass Svell who serves as pastor for the Jarai community in Ratanakiri.
MISSION PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as Your Son sent forth His Church to make disciples in all nations, we lift up before You, asking You to sustain THEM by Your Spirit and bless THEIR labours for the sake of the Gospel; Lord in Your mercy, Hear our prayer.
ATTENTION: Please do not leave any offerings, cash or cheque, and personal information, in the outside church mailbox. It’s been vandalized 3 times in less than a Month. Please call the church, 905-728-4381, if you need to arrange a drop off time. **Our new mailing address is PO BOX 30623, Oshawa, ON L1J 8L8. Please refer to your letter in your mailbox for more details, Blessings, Debby, Church Secretary/Trustees.
BIRTHDAYS, Baptisms And Anniversaries for September: see on back of September calendar, copies available on table at back of church. Please let me know if anyone is missing.
QUILTING: Every Tuesday in September @9:00 am. All are welcome, no experience necessary, we do tie quilting. Come and try it out. Blessings
VOTERS’ CALL MEETING: Sunday September 29th, 2024 following the worship service. Anyone wishing to nominate a pastor for the call listing in addition to the names previously submitted please provide the information to Reg Tiegs along with some details as to the pastor
MEMBER RECORDS: Thank you to those who have completed the church record update form for 2024. If you have not had a chance to complete it, current members and returning members to active status, please take some time to complete it for me by email or if you need assistance, leave a phone message and I will call you back. 905-728-4381..Thank you, blessing, Debby
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: may be placed in the holder outside the office door and for the monthly calendar. They are due by Wednesday of each week. Calendar events are due by the 3rd Sun of the month. Email the info to:
FOOD BANK: Our food cabinet is doing well. Please drop off non-perishable food, that can be eaten without cooking for homeless (Pull off lids tins), in their original container or wrapping. (Cereal bars, pudding/fruit cups.); We have some can openers and spoons for now. We support our church members, our Seminary students (1/2) and community. Thank you, Colleen, for managing the food bank items.
Ask the Pastor
The Divine Service Part 11
The Communion Distribution
Jesus won forgiveness of sins for the world through his death on the cross. Having won this forgiveness, how will he then deliver this gift of forgiveness to people? God has chosen very simple and mundane ways to deliver this precious gift. He delivers it through his Word, his Word that is proclaimed, his Word connected to the water of Baptism, and his Word connected to the Bread and Wine of the Lord’s Supper. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus, who is the Word, comes personally and delivers the gifts he won: forgiveness, life, salvation, and peace.
Some churches teach that Communion is only symbolic, that Christ is not present bodily. Others teach that our spirits are taken to Christ in heaven or to the foot of the cross. Some teach that we are reoffering Christ as a sacrifice to the Father. But in contrast to all of these views, we, as Lutheran Christians, teach that Christ comes to us. We believe that we are in God’s house, at his table, where he has invited us to this sacred meal that he provides and in which he is the host. It is he who provides the meal, and in fact, he is the meal. And the purpose of this meal is for the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26:28). For us, the entire focus of Holy Communion is on God and what he is doing in Christ for us. We are only receiving from his gracious hand. We believe that Communion is more than symbolic; we believe Jesus’ words that we are receiving his very body (“This is my body”) and blood (“This is my blood”) which was given and shed “for you” (Mattew 26:26-28). We believe that it is not we who go to God, but God who comes down to us and is serving us (Matthew 20:27). As Christ came to this world as a child, as God in the flesh, so he now comes to us in the flesh in this meal, serving us and feeding us with his true body and his true blood together with the bread and wine and promises that all who receive it in faith will receive his gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation that he won through his death and resurrection.
​This week @ Grace:
Today (G) 11:15 am Divine Service(C), Voters meeting to follow
Tuesday 9:00 am Quilting
Sunday (G) 11:15 am Divine Service (C)