Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Weekly Bulletin
Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost Sep 10, 2017
Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to fill out a communion card found in the pew racks and place it in the offering plates.
Living as Humble Little Children of the Father
True greatness is not self-sufficient strength, but humility like that of a little child. The greatness of childlike faith receives all good things as gracious gifts from our Father in heaven. Apart from such faith, “you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” but whoever is humbled like a little child will be “the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3–4). Though in our sin we deserve to be “drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matt. 18:6), we have instead been drowned (“buried”) with Christ in Baptism and then raised to the new, humble life of a child of God. The Lord sends His watchman to warn us with a word from His mouth, in order that we may not die in our iniquity, but be turned from our pride and selfishness to live (Ezek. 33:7–9). Thus, we live in humility and faith before God as well as in love for our neighbor, which “is the fulfilling of the law” (Rom. 13:10). In the reverent fear of God, we do no harm to our neighbor, but we “pay to all what is owed to them” (Rom. 13:7) and we “owe no one anything, except to love each other” (Rom. 13:8).
Collect of the Day
O God, from whom all good proceeds, grant to us, Your humble servants, Your holy inspiration that we may set our minds on the things that are right and, by Your merciful guiding, accomplish them; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
ORDER OF SERVICE: Rite of Holy Baptism page 268
The Introit is found on the insert and is sung responsively by half-verse.
Divine Service continues on page 152 (Proper 18)
​READINGS: : Ezekiel 33: 7 – 9 Romans 13: 1 – 10 Matthew 18: 1 - 20
HYMNS: 593, 820, 852 (offering), 622, 643, 948
Presiding Minister (P): Rev. Jack Hetzel Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane
Organist/Pianist: Paula Acolyte: Christine
Sound System: Anna/Philip Webmaster: Michael
Secretary: Iulia (Tues am), Debby (Thurs pm) Parish Nurse: Jane
Bible Class and Sunday School
Sunday 9:30am
Holy Communion:
Since the Lord’s Supper gives the forgiveness of sins in the body and blood of Christ to all who believe the words “given and shed” and is also a celebration of oneness in faith, we ask that only those who have professed such faith publicly in a Lutheran Church-Canada (or Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) congregation come to the Lord’s Altar. Everyone intending to commune for the first time is kindly asked to speak with the Pastor prior to the service.
PRAYER INTERCESSIONS: Paula; Annette; Debbie & Stephanie; Ivy (Gina’s mother); Jumna; Christine; Fran & Irwin; Dennis; Hannelore; June; Rev. Kurt; Olga; Monika; Edith; Asser; Gheorghe; Sharon; Brenda; Autumn; Susan; Mary; Sherran & Larry; Heather; Herta; Gene & Margaret; Albina; Betty; Lucie; Andre & Micheline; Jeanine; George & Waldtraut; George & Jeannie; Rev. Delmar & Mardelle; Johanna, Claudette; Isabelle; Denise.
HOLY BAPTISM: of Olivia Rose this morning brings great joy to the whole family of God as she is welcomed into God’s kingdom. Olivia is the daughter of Andrew and Casey. Serving as sponsors are Paula and Chris. God’s blessings to you all!
500th ANNIVERSARY OF THE REFORMATION: will be celebrated at Grace on Sat. Sept. 23. Please sign up in the narthex if you are planning to attend and enjoy this festive dinner.
TORONTO CIRCUIT REFORMATION SERVICE: is planned for Sunday October 29th at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Etobicoke, beginning at 4 p.m. The guest preacher will be Rev. Ron Mohr, East District Mission Executive. The service will be followed by a dinner. More details regarding this will be forthcoming.
PRAYER CHAIN: Paula, our Evangelism Team Leader, has restarted the prayer chain for anyone who is in need of help. Once a request is either brought to her and/or from Pastor, she will call the prayer chain members, who will only have knowledge of a person in need of support and prayers. All will be confidential, unless otherwise instructed by you. Please call, we’re here for you. Paula
ELDERS MEETING: has been changed to WEDNESDAY Sept 20th, 2017 @ 07:30 pm. Thank you, Reg
SAINT’S ALIVE: The next St.'s Alive luncheon is on Wed. Sept. 13th @ the church. We will be discussing an outing in October for our luncheon to visit a farm to see the fall colours. Also the congregational birthday lunch is on Sept. 24th. Hope to see everyone who can attend our first meetings of this fall.
SAINT VINCENT’S KITCHEN: if anyone would like to help with our team it's the 4th Saturday of every month. You can Contact Charlie and Christine Farnell at 905-263-8497 or St. Vincent’s kitchen at 905-434-7543; ask for Valerie Moreton. People can come in the morning for prep, or in the afternoon for serving, busing or drying dishes. Or to help close. Morning times 9-12 Afternoon 2-5 Evening 5-7.
WANTED SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: We would ask that you prayerfully consider serving your Lord Jesus as a Sunday school teacher. This service to God is such a blessing and you are in The Word continually! The children are delightful and God ensures that you as a teacher learn from the kids as well. Please give this prayerful consideration. Speak to Paula Hohmann or Carolyn McLeod if you have any questions or worries! We will mentor you until you are comfortable on your own. Thank you.
WWW.LUTHERANHOUR.CA. CHAM 820/AM SUN. 8:00 AM - “Unleash the Power of Forgiveness in Your Life” (Matthew 18:21-35) Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Greg Seltz
SYNOD CONVENTION BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be part of a national church event
Not since 2002 has Kitchener hosted a national Lutheran Church-Canada convention. Downtown at the Crowne Place, October 13-16 delegates from across Canada will gather to worship, conduct church business, and study God’s Word. You can be part of the action as a volunteer and maybe even see some old friends from other parts of Canada. Go to to see all the service opportunities and sign-up!
LWML: This is the year of the 500th reformation, come to the Ontario District LWML Retreat and learn about the “Women of the Reformation”. The retreat is Oct. 20-21, 2017 at the Sunbridge Hotel Cambridge(Hespler). Registration is $75 for both days and you make your own room reservation with the hotel. When making your reservation advise them that you are part of the LWML Retreat to get the best room rate. Registration forms are available from Diana. Hope to see you all at this inspiring retreat. Blessings, Diana, President of Ladies of Grace.
MISSION QUILTS: We are starting back to work on the Mission Quilt project for Canadian Lutheran World Relief on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 9:00 AM. We meet in the Common Room in the basement. Remember - NO Quilting Experience is required. We tie our quilts. Why not come and see what all is involved in making a quilt. Everyone is welcome to join us. If you have any questions concerning this project please don't hesitate to speak with Minnie or Ann.
CHURCH GROUNDS CLEAN-UP: We need your help
#1 cut the grass around the church until the end of Oct. See Philip, Owen, or Ed. to gain access to the mowers in the garage.
#2. To help in moving all the logs from the trees which were cut down in July to the portable/parking lot to be completed by mid-Sept. in the eveneing. Contact Ed/Owen
#3 Remove the large shrub hiding the church sign on the outside of the church.
#4 Clean up branches from the trees cut down. We need five to six men. Thanks for your help.
CANADA - The Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) of Lutheran Church–Canada has been studying and discussing questions surrounding the divorce and remarriage of clergy. They have just released three documents on this topic to the members of synod for study and response, hoping to help the church develop a clear biblical understanding of the matter. The first document is an exhaustive exegetical and historical study of St. Paul’s phrase “husband of one wife,” researched and written by Rev. Dr. Tom Winger, president of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario. The second is a Study Document of the CTCR from 2015 entitled “Theses on Clergy Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.” The third is a set of Discussion Questions on Clergy Divorce, also composed by the CTCR.
“It is our prayer that the study of these documents will help our Lutheran Church–Canada to come to a true, faithful, and evangelical understanding on these matters,” writes Rev. Warren Hamp, Chairman of the CTCR.
The CTCR welcomes responses from members of LCC on any or all of the study documents in question. Responses can be forwarded to Copies are on table in binder labelled CTCR.
OFFERING COUNTERS: We are looking for volunteers to assist in counting weekly offerings on Sundays. Currently counting is done by just a few members of the congregation. It is a rather simple task carried out on a computer. Please give this request consideration to lighten the load on our Financial Sec’y Wendy
BIRTHDAY LUNCH & FOOD BANK: Please join us for our Birthday Luncheon today after the service. NEEDED - Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food items for the food bank AND on the birthday lunches. Next birthday lunch will be September 24th, 2017. See Jane if you want to be on the call list for food donations.
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: There is a folder in the holder outside the office door for weekly inserts for the bulletin and monthly calendar. Items for the Bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week by noon and 3rd Sunday of each month for calendar. Or email your dates and events to
REFERENCE MATERIALS: Please take a few moments over the next few Sundays to review our Church business and community bulletin board; and other resource materials on the tables/shelve and racks in the narthex. Please take some home to read or to a friend.
OFFICE PHONE: We are still having technical issues with the Primus phones. We have cancelled the Contract with them and are working on another provider. Please email Pastor or Debby or call. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This Week under Grace
Today (g) 9:30am Bible Class
10:30am Divine Service
Tuesday 9:30am Pastors’ Winkel in Barrie
Wednesday 9:00am Divine Service and Bible Study
Noon Saints Alive
Sunday (g) 9:30am Bible Class
10:30am Divine Service