Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Weekly Bulletin
Sep 29, 2024 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. God bless you as we gather before our gracious God!
Christ Jesus, the Son of God, Cares for Us and Serves Us with the Forgiveness of Sins
When the people of Israel wept, complaining that they had no meat to eat (Num. 11:4), Moses cried out to the Lord that “the burden of all this people” was too heavy for him and that he was “not able to carry all this people alone” (Num. 11:11–14). So the Lord had Moses gather “seventy men of the elders of Israel” (Num. 11:16), and the Lord “took some of the Spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders” (Num. 11:25), so that Moses would not carry the burden alone. All who thus labor are honored, and all the people are cared for, in the name of the Lord (Mark 9:39–41). Everything is done with reference to Christ Jesus. So we cling to Him, and we flee from all sins that would separate us from Him (Mark 9:42–48). The life of the Church is one of repentant faith in Christ. Christians confess their sins to one another, and they “pray for one another,” that each would be raised up and healed by the Lord Jesus, who covers “a multitude of sins” and saves our souls from death (James 5:15–20).
Presiding Minister (P): Rev. Kevin Fast Assisting minister (A): Reg
Acolyte: Christina Sound System: Philip/ Nathan
Webmaster -Mike Secretary: Debby
Altar: Leslie
PRAY FOR: Gina; Willie (car accident) & Minnie; Debbie; Julia (Broken ankle); Ed; Eloise (hip/shoulder); Robert; Sherran; Herta; Phil; Corinne; Albina.
Friends and Fellow Christians: Holly (daughter of Del), Christy (Niece of Norman) Rev. Basil Christi (heart attack); Matthew & Megan; Lynda; Alice; Terry & Brenda ; Norma (home); Kristy (recovering); Chris; Susan; Heather; Waldtraut; Kathy; Bev; Elizabeth; Mary (David’s mother), Carolyn (Medina,OH); Rose ; Jason; Joan ; .Adian & family
MISSION PRAYERS FOR SEPTEMBER: CANADA: Rev. David Milette -Good Shepherd Lutheran Church) in Moncton, New Brunswick. He also provides support for LCC's French Ministries CAMBODIA - Prayer: Rev. Van -assistant pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in Phnom Penh and with Lutheran Hour Ministries; Rev. Heng Kim Hai (Hi) - Hope Lutheran Church in Kampong & instructor for Garuna Christian school; Rev. Rochom Binh (Rock-om) - missionary pastor Jarai community in his village in Ratanakiri: Rev. Romass Svell who serves as pastor for the Jarai community in Ratanakiri
MISSION PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as Your Son sent forth His Church to make disciples in all nations, we lift up before You, asking You to sustain THEM by Your Spirit and bless THEIR labours for the sake of the Gospel; Lord in Your mercy, Hear our prayer.
ATTENTION: Please do not leave any offerings, cash or cheque, and personal information, in the outside church mailbox. It’s been vandalized 3 times in less than a Month. Please call the church, 905-728-4381, if you need to arrange a drop off time. **Our new mailing address is PO BOX 30623, Oshawa, ON L1J 8L8. Please refer to your letter in your mailbox for more details, Blessings, Debby, Church Secretary/Trustees.
BIRTHDAYS, Baptisms And Anniversaries for September: see on back of September calendar, copies available on table at back of church. Please let me know if anyone is missing.
QUILTING: Every Tuesday in September @9:00 am. All are welcome, no experience necessary, we do tie quilting. Come and try it out. Blessings
EAST – EDLYA RETREAT! The Fall East District Lutheran Young Adults (EDLYA-18-35 yrs) Retreat is October 18-20 at St. Paul’s Lutheran (Cobourg, ON). Rev. Dr. Kevin Fast will be speaking on the topic: "That's Catholic: A study in the history, meaning and use behind the traditions of the catholic church". Please encourage the young adults in your congregation to attend! Register, or learn more, here. (Via Infodigest link above)
CATECHISM STUDIES. Catechism Studies start Tuesday September 24th, 2024 @ 07:00 pm at Grace; contact Reg if you have any questions.
VOTERS’ CALL MEETING: Today ,Sunday, September 29th,2024 following the worship service. Anyone wishing to nominate a pastor for the call listing in addition to the names previously submitted please provide the information to Reg along with some details as to the pastor. Bring your lunch.
Ask the Pastor
The Divine Service Part 13 - The Prayer of Thanksgiving
In some settings, before the Prayer of Thanksgiving, the pastor encourages the congregation to give thanks by using the first part of Ps.107:1: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.” The congregation responds with the last part of the verse: “and his mercy endures forever.” By responding this way to the pastor’s invitation to give thanks, the congregation acknowledges that we should give thanks because God is a merciful God, not giving us what we deserve. But instead, he gives us his Son and forgiveness of our sins. In the Meal that we have just received, God has indeed given us his Son and the forgiveness that he won. For this then we join in the prayer of thanksgiving.
In the Prayer of Thanksgiving, we pray to the Father who has just provided us with a salutary (saving) gift, the body and blood of his Son Jesus. We thank him for this gift and we ask him to use this same gift that saves us to strengthen us in our faith in Him and in our love towards others. These two requests summarize Christianity and the Ten Commandments. First and foremost, we hold God in the highest regard above all things and, secondly, the result of faith is love. The Sacrament draws us outside of ourselves to live in Christ by faith and in the neighbor by love, to paraphrase Luther. These requests are made, as all Christian prayer is, through Jesus, our Mediator with the Father. And the prayer ends affirming that the one true God is the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Triune God reigns over all things now and he will continue to reign forever.
The Salutation and Benedicamus
In some settings of the Divine Service before the benediction, there is an exchange between the pastor and the congregation, called the Salutation and Benedicamus (“bless the Lord” or “Let us bless the Lord”). To “bless the LORD” is to speak well of him. When we bless the LORD, we acknowledge what good things God has done for us. Ps. 103:3-4, which summarizes God’s saving actions for Israel, also summarizes God’s saving actions for us very well. He forgives us; he heals us; he redeems us; and he gives us continuous love and mercy “without any merit or worthiness in me.” Because God does all of this for us, we ought to bless the Lord, bless his holy name, and remember all he does for us. So at this time we remember all that God has done for us in this Service and we give him thanks and praise for it.
​This week @ Grace:
Today (G) 11:15 am Divine Service (C)
Pastor Call Voter’s Meeting after service, bring your lunch.
Tuesday 9:00 am Quilting
7:00 pm Catechism Studies
Friday 2:00 pm Ladies of Grace Setup for Saturday Fall Rally
Saturday 9:00 am LWML FALL RALLY
Sunday (G) 11:15 am Divine Service ©