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Weekly Bulletin

Sep 8, 2024 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. God bless you as we gather before our gracious God!  


Our Merciful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Does All Things Well

The Lord proclaims the Gospel “to those who have an anxious heart” to comfort and encourage them with His presence. He comes not only with threats of “vengeance” and “recompense,” but with His gracious salvation (Is. 35:4). He opens “the eyes of the blind” and “the ears of the deaf,” and He loosens “the tongue of the mute” to “sing for joy” (Is. 35:5–6). Like water on thirsty ground, He speaks His life-giving Word to people of all nations. With His Word and the touch of His hand, He does “all things well,” so that you may now speak “plainly” (Mark 7:31–37). You confess the truth of God in Christ to the glory of His holy name, and you call upon His name in every trouble, confident that He will hear and answer. As you pray and confess with your tongue, so also “love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8). Show your faith “in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,” by loving without partiality. For God has “chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom” (James 2:1–5).


​PRAY FOR:  Willie; Minnie; Debbie; Diana; Julia; Ed; Eloise; Robert; Sherran; Herta; Phil; Minnie; Corinne; Albina; Daniel and Alexandria.


Friends and Fellow Christians:  Holly;  Christy;  Rev. Basil Christi (heart attack); Matthew & Megan; Lynda; Alice; Terry & Brenda; Norma; Kristy; Chris; Susan; Heather; Waldtraut; Kathy; Bev; Elizabeth; Mary (David’s mother), Carolyn (Medina,OH); Rose; Jason​


MISSION PRAYERS FOR SEPTEMBER:    CANADA: Rev. David Milette -Good Shepherd Lutheran Church) in Moncton, New Brunswick. He also provides support for LCC's French Ministries CAMBODIA - Prayer: Rev. Van -assistant pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in Phnom Penh and with Lutheran Hour Ministries; Rev. Heng Kim Hai (Hi) - Hope Lutheran Church in Kampong & instructor for Garuna Christian school; Rev. Rochom Binh (Rock-om) - missionary pastor Jarai community in his village in Ratanakiri: Rev. Romass Svell who serves as pastor for the Jarai community in Ratanakiri.


MISSION PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as Your Son sent forth His Church to make disciples in all nations, we lift up before You, asking You to sustain THEM by Your Spirit and bless THEIR  labours for the sake of the Gospel; Lord in Your mercy, Hear our prayer. 


ATTENTION:  Please do not leave any offerings, cash or cheque, and personal information, in the outside church mailbox. It’s been vandalized 3 times in less than a Month. Please call the church, 905-728-4381, if you need to arrange a drop off time. **Our new mailing address is PO BOX 30623, Oshawa, ON L1J 8L8.  Please refer to your letter in your mailbox for more details, Blessings, Debby, Church Secretary/Trustees.


BIRTHDAYS, Baptisms And Anniversaries for September: see on back of September calendar, copies available on table at back of church. Please let me know if anyone is missing.


MEMBER RECORDS:   Thank you to those who have completed the church record update form for 2024.  If you have not had a chance to complete it, current members and returning members to active status, please take some time to complete it for me by email or if you need assistance, leave a phone message and I will call you back. 905-728-4381..Thank you, blessing, Debby




BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:  may be placed in the holder outside the office door and for the monthly calendar.  They are due by Wednesday of each week.  Calendar events are due by the 3rd Sun of the month.  Email the info to:


FOOD BANK:  Our food cabinet is doing well. Please drop off non-perishable food, that can be eaten without cooking for homeless (Pull off lids tins), in their original container or wrapping. (Cereal bars, pudding/fruit cups.); We have some can openers and spoons for now.  We support our church members, our Seminary students (1/2) and community. Thank you, Colleen, for managing the food bank items.


The Divine Service Part 10


Words of Institution

 The words of Institution are Jesus’ words that he spoke at the Last Supper with his disciples. Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying:” Take, eat. This is my body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me.” Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to the disciples saying: “Drink of it, all of you. This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins. This do as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”


Since Jesus is God, his word is powerful. When God created the world, he spoke it into existence. His word creates what it says. It does the same in the Lord’s Supper. When Jesus says that the bread is His body and the wine is His blood, they are just that. The bread is his body. The wine is his blood. Jesus’ body and blood are really present. They are in, with, and under the bread and wine. So when we eat, we eat bread and Christ’s body. And when we drink, we drink wine and Jesus’ blood.


The body and blood that we eat and drink are Jesus’ crucified and risen body and blood. When Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples, “I will be with you always, even to the very end of the age.” How is he with us? He is with us in his Word and Sacraments, the Scriptures, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. How can Jesus be physically present with us in this way? This is not something that we can understand; it’s a mystery. We can only believe it by faith because Jesus has said it. We simply take Jesus at his word and we trust his word.


Agnus Dei

Angus Dei, which translated means “Lamb of God,” is the hymn we sing prior to receiving Holy Communion.


As we are about to receive the holy Sacrament, we focus on what is most important, on Christ himself and all that he has done for us. And what he has done for us is willingly give himself as a sacrifice. In the OT the picture of a sacrifice that comes to mind is the picture of a lamb being sacrificed. The sacrifice of Abel was a lamb. The sacrifice of each Israelite family was a lamb without defect at the Passover. Lambs were sacrificed at the tabernacle and later also at the temple. In each case the lamb gave up its life in place of the people who offered it. This is called substitutionary sacrifice, where the lamb took the place of the sinner, taking the punishment he deserved for his sin. In the case of the sacrifices at the tabernacle and temple, the blood of the lamb was used to make atonement (at-one, bring back together). The shed blood of the lamb brought the sinner back together to be at one with God.


So the image of Jesus as the Lamb of God is most appropriate. Jesus, our perfect Passover Lamb (1 Cor 5:7, 1 Peter 1:18-20), was our substitute, dying the death that we deserved. And Jesus’ blood made atonement for us; through it we are made one again with God. And so now we focus on Christ, the Lamb of God, our substitute and atoning sacrifice.


​This week @ Grace:

Today (G)       11:15 am           Divine Service(C)

Tuesday           9:00 am           Quilting

Saturday         9:30 am           Ladies of Grace Meeting

Sunday (G)    11:15 am          Divine Service (C)





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