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Weekly Bulletin

3rd Sunday after Pentecost       Jun 10, 2018

Welcome in the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we are glad that you are here and kindly ask that you sign our guest book at the sanctuary doors. If you would like to become a member please speak to the Pastor. In case of illness, the Pastor should be informed. He will always be glad to speak with those who are confronted with problems of a spiritual nature. The time before worship is a quiet time for prayer and meditation to prepare for worship. Please see the inside cover of the hymnal for prayers and page 329f to prepare for Holy Communion. Communicant members are asked to fill out a communion card found in the pew racks and place it in the offering plates.


Collect of the Day

Almighty and eternal God, Your Son Jesus triumphed over the prince of demons and freed us from bondage to sin.  Help us to stand firm against every assault of Satan, and enable us always to do Your will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


ORDER OF SERVICE:   Divine Service Setting Three on page 184.

                   The Introit is sung responsively by half-verse on the insert.


​READINGS:   :   Genesis 3: 8 – 15                         2 Corinthians 4: 13 – 5:1                        Mark 3: 20 - 35


HYMNS:   645,   668,   795 (offering),  “This is the Feast” page 155,  673,  462


Presiding Minister (P):  Rev. Jack Hetzel                                          Assisting minister (A) lay: Shane

Organist/Pianist: Kirsten                                                                   Acolyte: Christine

Sound System: Anna/Philip                                                              Webmaster:  Michael

Secretary: Lorna                                                                                 Parish Nurse: Jane 


Bible Class and Sunday School

Sunday 9:30am


Holy Communion:

Since the Lord’s Supper gives the forgiveness of sins in the body and blood of Christ to all who believe the words “given and shed” and is also a celebration of oneness in faith, we ask that only those who have professed such faith publicly in a Lutheran Church-Canada (or Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) congregation come to the Lord’s Altar.  Everyone intending to commune for the first time is kindly asked to speak with the Pastor prior to the service.



Members of Grace: Jane; John; Dennis; Olga; Edith; Sherran; Herta; Betty; Jeannie; Claudette; Isabelle; Anne; Monika; Alicia; Delores; Debby


Friends of Grace:  Rev. Richard; Autumn; Chris;  Susan; Mary; Larry; Heather; Andre & Micheline; Jeanine; George & Waldtraut; George; Rev. Delmar & Mardelle; Kathy & Jack; Ada; Asser; Gheorghe; Alice; Sharon; Jamie; Rev.  John; Brenda; Lea


PRAYER CHAIN: for anyone who is in need of help.  Once a request is made known, the prayer chain members will be called, who will only have knowledge of a person in need of support and prayers. All will be confidential, unless otherwise instructed by you. Please call Paula.


Thank You To all my brothers and sisters in Christ who ministered to me through meals, Marshall care and most of all prayers, during my hip surgery recovery.  I am blessed.  Paula




THANK YOU To all the people who volunteed to help set up and be here on Thursday to assist with the Provincial elections.


RISEN CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 50th Anniversary Service June 10th  3:00PM. Guest Preacher: Rev. Timothy Teuscher, President Lutheran Church Canada. Supper after the Service 4090 Dixie Road, Mississauga, ON 905 625 5117


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL  VBS is scheduled for 4th week of July 23-27. Please pray for the sessions and the Children.  Volunteers needed (teachers, crafts,snack time, etc). Please invite children/parents. Please contact Carolyn.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For grass cutting are needed. Help needed for grass cutting around the church and the Lawns in front of the church.  A self powered lawn mower is available in the garage.  This needs to be done at least once every two weeks until the end of September.  A list will be posted for sign up. A key for the garage will be made available if you don’t have one yet.


CHURCH COUNCIL Are you ready to become one of our church council members? Please consider allowing your name to stand for election to a position that needs to be filled at our June Voters Meeting.  When approached by a nominating committee member, please give it prayerful consideration before making a decision.  Thank you.


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS:  There is a holder outside the office door for weekly inserts for the bulletin and monthly calendar.  Items for the Bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week by noon and 3rd Sunday of each month for calendar.  Or email your dates and events to


Birthday Lunch: Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food items for the food bank AND ALSO on the birthday lunches.  NEXT: Birthday Lunch June 24th, 2018


REFERENCE MATERIALS:  Please take a few moments over the next few Sundays to review our Church business and community bulletin board; and other resource materials on the tables/shelve and racks in the narthex.  Please take some home or give to a friend. 


This Week under Grace

Today (g)                    9:30am                            Bible Class                 

                                 10:30am                            Divine Service(C)

                                   4:00pm                            Installation of Rev. Keller, Historic St. Paul’s, Kitchener

Tuesday                    7:30pm                            Council meeting

Sunday (g)                9:30am                            Bible Class

                                10:30am                            Divine Service (C)

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