Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Proposed Changes to the Constitution June 26, 2017
26 June 2017
To: The Congregation of Grace Lutheran Church
From: The Constitution Committee
Re: Proposed Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (Oshawa)
Earlier this year, the Constitution Committee met and reviewed our church’s constitution and bylaws. This was necessary because the constitution and bylaws needed to be updated to reflect our current practice in the church, and to ensure compliance with the current provincial legislation regarding not-for-profit corporations. During this review as number of “clean-up” items were also identified.
The proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws have been summarized on the attached. For most of the proposed changes, each change has a summary explaining the nature of the change; the wording that currently exists in the constitution and bylaws; and the new proposed wording. Where possible, revised wording is shown in bold and italics.
These proposed changes were presented to the congregation at the voters’ meeting of 25 June 2017. In accordance with Article XIII.B.2 of our constitution, voting on these changes will not take place until the November voters’ meeting. This is to give the members of the congregation time to consider the changes. Per Article XIII.B.3 of our constitution, an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at the November meeting will be required to pass the proposed changes.
This memorandum and its attachment is being distributed to all families in our church to ensure that all members, including those who may have been absent from the June meeting, have a chance to familiarize themselves with these proposed changes before the November meeting. Please take some time to read over the proposed changes. If you have any questions, please ask any member of the Constitution Committee, indicated below.
Yours in Christ,
The Constitution Committee;
Bill Carson
Rein Harmatare
Mark Hersey
Reg Tiegs