Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa
540 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario + Phone: 905-728-4381 + email:
Thank you for visiting Grace Lutheran Church's website. We are a member of Lutheran Church-Canada.
Vacancy Pastor :
Reverend Dr. Kevin Fast

Sunday School
Sundays @ 10:15am
Bible Study
Sundays @ 10:15am
Divine Service
Sundays @ 11:15am
This week at Grace:
​Sunday Feb 16
10:15am Sunday School and Bible Study
11:15am Divine Service (with communion). Quick Voters meeting after service
​Tuesday Feb 18
9:30am Quilting begins
7:00pm Catechism study​
​​​​Sunday Feb 26
10:15am Sunday School and Bible Study
11:15am Divine Service (with communion). Regular Voters meeting after service.
Online Donations
There are two options available online.
1. Credit card donation
Lutheran Church Canada has provided an online option using your credit card to donate and automatic tax receipt is generated. Press the green donate online button below.
2. e-Transfer
From your bank account you can send to email address:
Ladies of Grace
Ladies of Grace meet once a month, usually the second Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. We start with either an opening devotion or a Bible Study and then proceed with a very short business meeting. Individuals bring snacks to share during our fellowship time.
Ladies of Grace are part of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Canada and as such, we have the benefit of receiving publications from LWMLC on a regular basis which helps to keep us as one body with Christ and to hear what our sisters in others areas of Canada are doing.
What is a Lutheran?
Lutherans are those Christians who choose to accept Martin Luther's teachings. On October 31, 1517, Luther, a Catholic monk, posted his 95 Theses as a challenge to the doctrine and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, hoping to reform the practices he felt were inconsistent with scripture.
​The Liturgy
At Grace we always follow the historical and traditional Lutheran liturgy of the western church as it is found in our hymnal, the Lutheran Service Book. This page provides an explanation of the part of the liturgy and the references to the Holy Scriptures from which the liturgy is drawn.